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11 Box Pro

“Box Pro Magazine” Recognizes Longman & Van Grack’s Recreation Law Advice

The current edition of Box Pro Magazine (November 2015) includes an article titled “What’s in Your Waiver?” The article addresses the importance for recreation law and sports companies, particularly Affiliate owners of Box and CrossFit entities, to have and use a properly drafted waiver and release language for their consumers and customers.

The Box Pro Magazine article specifically cites to the advice of Longman & Van Grack Attorney Adam Van Grack, noting the importance of drafting a proper waiver and consulting with an attorney who is familiar with the waiver/release laws of the specific state where the entity exists.

November 2015 Edition of Box Pro Magazine

Box Pro Legal Waiver Release Advice CrossFit Box Adam Van Grack Recreation Law

Adam specifically noted that he generally includes “multiple sections” in release waivers for his clients because courts will often take a detailed look into “how clear the language [of the waiver] is.” In the article, Adam also advises that there is “no way to ever know what a court is going to say because courts will do what courts will do,” however, a proper recreation law attorney will “know what the case law is and how courts have interpreted in that state.”

Longman & Van Grack regularly assists sports and recreation companies with these types of unique legal issues within our Sports and Recreation Law practice. Call us at (301) 291-5027 if you have any further questions or if you think we can help you out.

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