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Maryland Law Firm Court Opening COVID-19 Coronavirus

Maryland Peace Orders and Protective Orders During the Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

During the Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic, Maryland Courts are mostly closed to the public. Most Maryland court cases have been stayed. However, the Maryland Judiciary is permitting certain types of matters to still be heard by judges. Specifically, Maryland Peace Orders and Maryland Protective Orders can be heard and resolved through special procedures during the Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic.

Under the new Maryland Court COVID-19 emergency restrictions, new extreme risk protective order petitions, new domestic violence protective petitions, and new peace order petitions for adult respondents will all be heard before the District Court Commissions (such as the Montgomery County District Court Commissioner in Rockville or the Prince George’s County Commissioner in Upper Marlboro).

Under the new Maryland Court COVID-19 emergency restrictions, peace order petitions for juvenile respondents, emergency evaluation petitions, quarantine and isolation petitions, and extreme-risk protective order appeals will all be heard before the Circuit Courts (such as the Montgomery County Circuit Court in Rockville or the Prince George’s County Circuit Court in Upper Marlboro).

However, importantly, under the new Maryland Court COVID-19 emergency restrictions, for the following matters, the Maryland Circuit Court or District Court administrative judge is required review the petition and evaluate whether the petition at issue (a) can to be heard in person, (b) can be heard with certain types of electronic participation, (c) can be scheduled after the Court COVID-19 emergency restrictions has terminated, or (d) can be resolved without a hearing: (1) unique shelter care matters, (2) emergency guardianship issues, (3) domestic violence protective orders, (4) appeals from peace orders, (5) family law emergency matters, (6) all temporary restraining orders, (7) motions that involve extreme-risk protective orders, (8) motions that involve domestic violence protective orders, (9) motions that involve peace orders, and (10) contempt hearings involving peace or protective orders.

If you need assistance seeking or defending a Maryland Protective Order or Maryland Peace Order (whether during this Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic or otherwise), contact Adam Van Grack and the litigation attorneys at Longman & Van Grack at (301) 291-5027. Mr. Van Grack and our peace and protective order attorneys can consult with you immediately over the phone. Specifically, our Rockville Office is located within walking distance of the Maryland District Court for Montgomery County and Maryland Circuit Court for Montgomery County.

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